Access Information
Newcastle Theatre Royal is committed to ensuring that accessibility is at the heart of everything we do. We firmly believe that all of our customers should be able to enjoy access to our building, our live theatre programme and associated services; and participate in events, with friends, family, or independently, receiving our excellent standards of service and quality of offer throughout the experience.
With regular captioned, audio described and relaxed performances, assistance dog sitting service, large print materials, dedicated access telephone line, touch tours and more, our team is available to facilitate your visit whether this is your first trip to the theatre or you are a frequent attender.
Whilst our building is a beautiful Grade 1 listed theatre we are aware that our unique setting may present barriers for some, making it challenging to access some of our services. We will work with customers, advisory groups and specialists to make adjustments, wherever reasonably possible, to provide access for all.
We will continuously review and develop our services to ensure we are always a theatre for everyone.

Access Membership Scheme
We want to ensure that we meet the needs of all of our audience members and offer the best service we can.

Accessible Performances
We offer a range of Accessible Performances throughout the year which provide unforgettable experiences for everyone.

Access Facilities
We can help facilitate your visit whether this is your first trip to the theatre or you are a frequent attender.
Wheelchair accessible spaces in the auditorium
We have eight spaces within our auditorium assigned for customers using a wheelchair: four in the stalls, two in the Grand Circle and two in the upper circle. The entrance to the Grand Circle boxes may not be able to accommodate larger wheelchair sizes, please ask at the point of booking.
To ensure your comfort, customers using our stalls wheelchair spaces will be provided with a small platform to level out the rake on our flooring leading down to the stage. Our Visitor Services Assistants will place the platform down when customers arrive and remove them at the end of the performance.
Transferring to a theatre seat
Customers may wish to transfer into a theatre seat for the performance. We would also advise any customers who wish to transfer that seats in the Grand Circle, Upper Circle, Amphitheatre and Gallery are all accessible by stairs. Stalls seats have step free access. For your safety, we ask that anyone using a wheelchair or mobility aid to access a theatre seat be able to exit the theatre independently in the event of an emergency, or attend with a companion to assist them.
Storage of mobility aids
If you require the use of a mobility aid to get to and from the theatre and would like us to store this for you during your visit, please contact us by emailing (please note, we do not have a manned cloakroom and items are left at owner’s risk).
Booking wheelchair spaces
It is currently not possible to book our wheelchair spaces online (this is something we are working to get in place as quickly as possible). Wheelchair accessible spaces and the adjacent seat can the booked by calling 0191 594 6619 or emailing
Our public Box Office is equipped with a counter top loop system as is our main merchandise kiosk which is located in the Stalls foyer. Our auditorium is fitted with an infra-red hearing enhancement system.
Customers requiring the use of a loop system in the auditorium can pick up one of our infrared receivers which works in conjunction with a hearing aid when set to the ‘T’ position. Just let a member of staff know you would like to use the loop system. Read our Headset Guide for full instructions.
Infrared audio system
Our stethoset receivers are also available for customers to use for any performance, providing assistive listening services with enhanced audio and flexible volume control. Please note these stethosets do not work with hearing aids or the loop system but are designed to increase audio or provide interpretation services.
Just let a member of staff know you would like to use the infrared stethoset system. Read our Headset Guide for full instructions.
There are currently three disabled parking bays on Hood Street for use by Blue Badge Holders. Most Newcastle City Council Parking Meters are free to Blue Badge Holders. Please note there are no Disabled Parking Bays on Shakespeare Street and that the metered parking on the south side of the road (opposite the theatre) becomes a Taxi Rank after 6.30pm.
There is a Loading Bay located at the bottom of Shakespeare Street near the junction onto Grey Street that may be used as a drop off point by any customers who may find it challenging to walk longer distances. Please note we have been advised that the loading bay is for drop off only, and vehicles are not permitted to park or wait in this bay.
As parking near the theatre is managed by Newcastle City Council and is subject to change, we advise you to check accessible parking information.

All assistance dogs are welcome in any area of the theatre, including within the auditorium during a performance. We would advise any customers keeping their assistance dog with them during a show to book an aisle seat. Our Box Office team will be able to inform you if there are any effects, such as loud bangs that you may feel would not be suitable for your dog.
We offer a dog sitting service if you would like us to look after your assistance dog during your visit. This can be arranged at the time of booking, or you can contact us nearer the time by emailing