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Friends AGM 2025

Sat 2 Aug 2025


Time: 11am
Newcastle Theatre Royal, Olivier Suite
Tickets are free however must be booked

Notice is hereby given that an AGM of the Friends of the Theatre Royal is called for Sat 2 Aug 2025 at 11am which will be held at the Theatre Royal.
All members attending should have their membership card with them. Nominations are welcomed for officers and committee members and should be sent on the form below to: June Svenson, Secretary, Friends of the Theatre Royal, Theatre Royal, Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6BR.

Nominations should arrive no later than seven days prior to the AGM. Please note that the person being put forward for election as well as that of the proposer must sign the nomination slip. Positions available for election are Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, in accordance with the Constitution. Nominations may also be received for the position of Committee Member. All retiring officers and committee members may be nominated for re-election if they so wish.

Information about the Friends’ Committee –
The Friends’ Committee consists of 15 members (six officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretary) and nine committee members).  We are managed in accordance with our Constitution and with any conditions or restrictions imposed by the Theatre Royal, Newcastle upon Tyne. Committee members must be members of the Friends of the Theatre Royal and be aged 18 or over.  They serve a term of three years and if nominated, can stand for re- election.  The officers stand for re-election every year and the Chair is elected for a maximum period of three consecutive years and may not stand for re-election as Chair for a period of three years thereafter. The committee meets 10 times a year and the AGM is held in July or August of each year, there is no meeting in December.  We meet at 6.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month (occasionally the date has to be changed due to Public Holidays or Theatre Royal internal commitments). We organise events for the Friends in order to raise funds for the Theatre Royal and committee members help out at these events.  In the past we have paid for or contributed to, the Fire Safety Curtain, the Orchestra Rail, Matcham’s Bust, renovation of, and items in, the Green Room, as well as fruit baskets for every incoming company on their first night as a welcome to the Theatre.  Recently we contributed to the Theatre’s Big Give towards young people in Newcastle accessing and attending the theatre.  If you are interested in joining us please speak to one of the committee at one of our Friends events over the coming months.  We look forward to speaking to you!


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